Kakizome (書き初め)

Jan 2, 2018 16:32
On January 2nd in various places of Japan, a traditional event called 書き初め (kakizome) is held.

The 書き (kaki) means "to write," the 初め (some/zome) means "beginning," and this term means "art of writing using a brush and ink for the first time in the New Year."

Originally, kakizome was a ritual held at the imperial court, but it has spread among common people since the Edo period.

Also, to begin something on January 2nd is called 事始め (kotohajime - beggining things), and it's believed that it's easy to improve what you begin on that day.

That is to say, kakizome is conducted to improve your calligraphy skill.


「書き」は "to write," 「初め」は "beginning" を意味し、「書き初め」は「年が明けて初めて毛筆で書く書のこと」を表します。



No. 1 Anya's correction
  • The 書き (kaki) means "to write," the 初め (some/zome) means "beginning," and this term means "art of writing using a brush and ink for the first time in the New Year."
  • The 書き (kaki) means "to write," theand 初め (some/zome) means "beginning," and: this term means "art of writing using a brush and ink for the first time in the New Year."
  • Originally, kakizome was a ritual held at the imperial court, but it has spread among common people since the Edo period.
  • Originally, kakizome was a ritual held at the imperial court, but it has spread among common peoplers since the Edo period.
This was very interesting to read! I didn't know about kakizome!
Thank you so much for the corrections! :)